Builder Spotlight – Seven Cycles
Seven has been cautious and smart in a time of unpredictability, and the result is a company that is still relevant, and still standing.
Finding a Pot of Gold in the small world of the Bike Biz.
The total number of employees at Seven Cycles fluctuated around twenty five, but only about eight occupied the small office on the customer facing side of the business, where I sat for ten years. Colleagues would trickle in and out, but each had a huge impact on the culture. The open floor plan of the […]
A Trip To Luxe
Have you seen Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? If so, think back to when Willie introduces the few remaining ticket holders to the Wonka Vision room. If you’ll recall, he takes a giant Wonka Bar and zaps it with his proprietary camera, which sends it to a tv on the other side of the […]